Henry Speller
1900 - 1997 (Mississippi, USA)
Accomplished bluesman, whose light-fingered drawings illustrate provocative urban and sexual fantasies with a warm striped vibe, produced in tandem with his wife Georgia’s own independent oeuvre. A delightful work on paper is presented in the exhibition and is quintessential.
Collections: Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York); The National Gallery of Art (Washington DC).
Exhibitions: Souls Grown Deep like the Rivers (2023), Royal Academy of Art (London); Called to Create (2022), National Gallery (Washington DC); Another Tradition (2021), The Morgan Library (New York).
Publications: My Soul Has Grown Deep (2018), C Finley, RR Griffey, A Peck, and D Pinckney; American Self-Taught Paintings and Drawings by Outsider Artists (1993), F Maresca & R Ricco.