17.07.22 > 02.10.22

The Gallery of Everything is proud to present its long-awaited summer show: A contemporary bestiary of living creatures, from the tiny to the oversized, the beautiful to the somewhat strange.

ZOOOOO! offers an additional twist: for it is the first show in an independent London art gallery to cater exclusively for the curious (and not so curious) under the age of 12. 

ZOOOOO! features over 50 different artists, each of whom practices beyond the framework of art society. Many have been celebrated by, or are drawn from, the archive of the gallery’s parent project, The Museum of Everything

Notable inclusions are world-famous self-taught authors, such as Bill TraylorWilliam Edmondson and Nek Chand Saini. Others are sourced from the unwritten chronicles of art’s minor makers. All are represented by a painting or object, be it an animal, fish, insect, bird, vertebrate or invertebrate.

Conceived and curated by The Gallery of Everything with former editor of Tate Etc. magazine Simon Grant, ZOOOOO! is as inspired by the paucity of child-friendly art exhibits, as it is by artists and curators captivated by the child’s eye view.

There are paintings, drawings, sculptures, performance, things to touch and things to do. As the title suggests, the theme is animalistic. It is flexible, literal, abstract and diverse Its authors drawn from annals of the self-taught, from the 19th century to today.

ZOOOOO! aims to encourage children to see, view, consider and critique. It presents imagery to which they will respond and identify, organised as a journey of emotion, engagement and enquiry. All but a few pieces are available (for parents) to purchase. For more information please contact The Gallery of Everything.